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Into the Storm Page 26

  guttersnipe: Term used in a crowded city for poor gobbers or, less commonly, human children who earn a living through petty crime.

  Idrian: Formerly nomadic tribesmen native to the Protectorate interior and the fringes of the Bloodstone Marches. Most Idrians have converted to the worship of Menoth and joined the Protectorate, but some unconverted tribes remain.

  infernalism: The study and invocation of infernal entities, a discipline even more blasphemous and feared than necromancy. Most infernalists are arcanists who have bargained for additional power from enigmatic beings called infernals who exist beyond Caen, beings who demand payment for their services in living essence or preferably souls, including those stolen from others through ritual murder.

  Ironclad: The most common and recognizable heavy warjack in the Cygnaran Army since entering service in 556 AR. The Ironclad’s strength and utility have made it a mainstay of Cygnaran commanders on every battlefield, and it is notable for employing a powerful quake hammer in melee.

  ’jack marshal: A person who has learned how to give precise verbal orders to a steamjack to direct it in labor or battle, sometimes called marshaling. This is a highly useful occupational skill, although it lacks the versatility or finesse afforded by the direct mental control of steamjacks exercised by a warcaster.

  laborjack: A steamjack used to perform heavy manual labor. Laborjacks come in both light and heavy variants and many different chassis, each designed for a specific type of work.

  Lawgiver, the: See Menoth.

  Markus, Ascendant: The patron of soldiers and watchmen, Markus was an Ordic soldier who ascended in 305 AR after breaking the Siege of Midfast by defeating fourteen barbarian chieftains in a series of duels.

  marshal: See ’jack marshal.

  mechanik: One who builds, maintains, and repairs mechanikal equipment such as steamjacks.

  Menofix: The symbol of the Menite faith, in the form of a stylized cross depicting the shape of Man. The Menofix is displayed prominently throughout the Protectorate as a reminder of the god’s purpose, scrutiny, and wrath. The presence of a Menofix on the battlefield can inspire the faithful.

  Menoth’s Fury: An extremely volatile and flammable substance refined from oil found in abundance beneath the Bloodstone Marches and commonly used as a weapon by Protectorate troops and warjacks.

  Midlunder: The second-largest ethnic group in Cygnar, Midlunders tend to have dark skin and hair, thick features, and solid frames. They are most concentrated in northern Cygnar.

  Morridane: The descendants of the ancient and ominous kingdom of Morrdh, Morridanes are a rustic people, most of them Cygnarans, who live throughout the Thurian and Midlunds regions but who are most numerous in the Thornwood.

  necrotite: A foul mineral found in places that have seen mass torture and death, where life energy has saturated the stones beneath the soil. Used to power Cryxian warjacks, it is functionally similar to coal but longer burning and more efficient. Both the substance itself and the fumes and residue it produces are highly toxic to all living things.

  Nemo, Sebastian: One of the most famous and respected warcasters in Cygnaran history, Nemo is also a brilliant scientist responsible for the invention of most of the nation’s storm technology.

  Pendrake, Viktor: A legendary naturalist and field researcher who earned his fame risking life and limb to study dangerous beasts in the wild and then compiling his research in dozens of respected scholarly tomes. He has served as a ranger in the Cygnaran Army and is the head of the Department of Extraordinary Zoology at Corvis University.

  primarch: The top-ranking leader of the Church of Morrow, chosen for life through a manifestation of archons after the death of the predecessor.

  Repenter: A Protectorate light warjack developed in 533 AR and armed with a three-headed flail and an integrated flamethrower fueled with Menoth‘s Fury.

  Rowan, Ascendant: Morrowan patron of the poor and downtrodden, Rowan renounced all material wealth and spent her life alleviating the suffering of Immorese under Orgoth oppression. She ascended in 289 BR.

  Rowen: The sixth month of the standard calendar of the Iron Kingdoms and Rhul, named after Asc. Rowan. This month is called Prautes in the Protectorate calendar and Gordul in the Rhulic calendar.

  Sancteum: The center of the Church of Morrow hierarchy. The Sancteum is a small self-contained and self-sufficient walled city within Caspia and is treated as a sovereign nation. It is most notable for housing the Archcourt Cathedral, the holy see of the primarch.

  scion: The antithesis of the saint-like ascendants of Morrow, the scions of Thamar have similarly transcended mortality by heeding their goddess’ teachings and seeking their own distinct paths of enlightenment.

  scrutators: A specialized caste of Menite priests tasked to enforce the True Law. In some communities scrutators serve as judges and executioners who police their congregation. In the Protectorate of Menoth, scrutators comprise an inner circle of clergy and are seen as the ultimate protectors of the faith, subject to few limits and no oversight except among their own number.

  Skyhammer rockets: Simple yet long-range rockets delivering an explosive payload which are notorious for being both powerful and inaccurate.

  Solovin, Ascendant: Patron of healers, battle-chaplains, and midwives, Solovin was a Thurian priest who visited countless battlefields to treat the wounded regardless of their affiliation. He ascended in 1253 BR after sacrificing himself to destroy Scion Remel.

  storm armor: Heavy plate armor layered over alchemically treated insulation that protects a Storm Knight from the electrical discharges emitted by voltaic weaponry.

  Stormguard: Storm Knights who wield voltaic halberds, typically deployed to hold strategic positions or shore up the flanks of Cygnaran forces.

  storm glaive: A powerful voltaic weapon derived from the more ancient Caspian battle blade, the first of Cygnar‘s weapons to incorporate a storm chamber capable of generating continuous lightning in combat.

  storm gunner: Members of the Stormblade infantry who wield storm throwers in battle, a weapon capable of discharging lightning at greater range than the storm glaive.

  Storm Knights: A military order in Cygnar comprising Stormblades, Stormguard, and Storm Lances. Storm Knights serve as either heavy infantry or heavy cavalry in support of other army units.

  Storm Lances: Mounted Storm Knights who charge into battle wielding voltaic lances.

  stormsmith stormcaller: Members of an order of Cygnaran specialists called stormsmiths who are trained in the use of mechanikal apparatus with power over storms. Stormcallers can use machinery to summon lightning to smite Cygnar‘s foes at a distance. Stormcaller can also refer specifically to the rod wielded by these stormsmiths to summon lightning.

  storm thrower: A complex Cygnaran ranged weapon designed to interact with standard Stormblade equipment, storm throwers fire bolts of mechanikally generated electricity. Extremely lethal on their own, these bolts also help guide subsequent storm glaive blasts at a given target.

  Stormblade: The first and most esteemed of Storm Knight specialties. Most Stormblades wield storm glaives in battle. They supplement ancient Caspian sword fighting traditions with state-of-the-art voltaic weaponry such as storm glaives.

  storm rod: The weapon employed by Stormblade sergeants to coordinate and empower nearby storm glaives. The term is sometimes used informally to refer to the stormcaller rod, a different weapon entirely.

  Stormclad: A Cygnaran heavy warjack developed in 597 AR based on the Ironclad chassis and armed with a voltaic blade. Draws on the excess galvanic energies emitted by storm glaives to enhance its own capabilities.

  Sulon, Hierarch: The first of the Sul-Menite hierarchs and a revered leader who seized control of eastern Caspia in 482 AR to begin the Cygnaran Civil War, which ended on his death in 484 AR. Sul is named in his honor and he is remembered as the first leader of the Protectorate of Menoth, though the theocracy was technically founded after his death.

  Templar: A co
mmon Protectorate heavy warjack armed with huge iron flails and enormous shields. Entered service in 539 AR.

  Flameguard: A Menite martial order traditionally charged with the defense of temples and holy sites. Armed with spears and protected by shields and plated armor, members of the Temple Flameguard have become the standard frontline infantry for the armies of the Protectorate of Menoth.

  Temple Flameguard: See Flameguard.

  trenchers: The second most numerous infantry of the Cygnaran Army, trained to dig in and defend ground. Typically armed with heavy rifles, hazer smoke grenades, and, of course, their entrenching tools.

  Toruk, Lord: The dragon that is both the oldest known entity on Caen and the progenitor of all dragons, Lord Toruk is the evil and vastly powerful ruler of Cryx. Also known as the Dragonfather, the Dragon Lord, and God of Caen.

  ulk: A hardy breed of large deer native to the cold northern areas of western Immoren.

  Vanar, Empress Ayn: The sovereign queen of Khador, Ayn Vanar XI declared herself Empress in 606 AR following a sweeping military conquest including victory in the Llaelese War.

  Vassals of Menoth: The only organization sanctioned to practice arcane magic in the Protectorate of Menoth. Vassals are tightly controlled and allowed to wield their power only for the furtherance of the Temple of Menoth, employed primarily to fabricate vital mechanika such as steamjack cortexes.

  Voyle, Hierarch Garrick: The hierarch of the Protectorate of Menoth during the period of the Caspia-Sul War, Voyle is known for having instituted both the Vassals of Menoth and the Order of the Fist as well as launching the Great Crusade.

  Westwatch: One of Cygnar‘s major fortresses. Located on the western coast north of Ramarck, Westwatch is a part of coastal defenses and is a significant officer training facility almost as prestigious as the Strategic Academy.

  War Council: The body tasked primarily with coordinating and planning all Cygnaran war efforts and the allocation of defensive troops at garrisons throughout the realm. Initially instituted in 595 AR as an advisory council but transitioned into a full-time coordination body in 603 AR.

  warmaster general: The supreme commander of the Cygnaran Army. This position is currently held by Warmaster General Olson Turpin.


  Larry Correia is The New York Times bestselling author of the Monster Hunter International series, the Grimnoir Chronicles trilogy, and the military thrillers Dead Six and Swords of Exodus. He has been a finalist for the Campbell award, the Julia Verlanger award, and won an Audie Award for Hard Magic. He is published by Baen Books. A former accountant, military contractor, firearms instructor, and machinegun dealer, Larry now lives in the mountains of northern Utah with his wife and children, where he has moose in his yard.

  Into the Storm

  Copyright © 2013 Privateer Press

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  First printing: August 29, 2013

  ISBN: 978-1-939480-36-1

  Privateer Press

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